How To Become A Full-Fledged Counseling Psychologist

Counseling psychology is defined by the Society of Counseling Psychology as a psychological specialty that facilitates personal and interpersonal functioning across one’s life span with a focus on emotional, vocational, educational, health, developmental and organizational concerns. They work in various settings such as universities, counseling centers, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and in private practices.

Those who want to enter this profession will have to take up a bachelor’s degree in psychology first. Being conferred such degree will qualify a person to assist licensed psychologists in community health centers, vocational rehabilitation offices, and correctional facilities.

However, job opportunities for undergraduates are limited; hence most of them opt to take up advanced academic degrees. Counseling psychology graduate programs leads to a doctorate degree and they typically take around 5 years to complete. Advanced academic degrees in counseling psychology require you to submit a thesis that involves original research. Gaining admittance to these counseling psychology graduate programs will require fulfilling stringent requirements. So anyone who wishes to take up the course has to ascertain the admission requirements of the university they are considering. 

Keep in mind that it would be to your advantage if you enroll in a university or college that offers APA accredited counseling psychology programs. The reason for this is that finishing from APA accredited counseling psychology programs provides you with better career choices. Majority of internship opportunities, state licensing offices, employers such as colleges and public offices will look for diplomas from APA accredited counseling psychology programs. When choosing which school to go to, also ascertain if their counseling psychology program has a high pass rate in licensure exams. Also, if you don’t wish to be strapped in debt after finishing school, ask if the college you wish to enroll in offers scholarships and research grants.

Psychologists who wish to practice independently or offer any type of patient care and counseling services must meet licensing requirements to do so. Laws pertaining to professional licensing vary by State and the type of specialization desired. Counseling psychologists for example, apart from being required to complete an advanced academic degree in psychology, will need to complete a recognized internship program, as well as one to two years of professional experience prior to applying for a license.

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