Hyaluronic Acid-Why Your Body Needs It

Hyaluronic acid is made naturally in the human body and is present in all tissues. It is a vital compound because it serves many functions, the most important of these is assisting in water retention. It also gives nutrients and cleans cells that are not supplied with blood directly, specifically, cartilage cells. The highest concentrations of the acid are found in cartilage, blood vessels, vitreous humor of the eyes, synovial joint fluid, skin, umbilical cord, and the extracellular matrix.

Hyaluronic acid has many jobs. Between the joints is a capsule that is made of synovial membrane. It secretes synovial fluid which has numerous functions including lubrication and absorbing shock. The fluid contains a major quantity of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronan treatment options are provided to patients of osteoarthritis to help manage the condition. The acid is the only substance that is responsible for supplying cartilage cells with nutrients and eradicating waste materials. This is necessary because cartilage does not have blood vessels. Most cartilage in the body is known as hyaline cartilage because of its interaction with the acid. The acid is also found in the extracellular matrix. This is the area between cells of the body. It serves to maintain moisture levels in the extracellular matrix and to move waste materials.

The acid is an important component of skin cells. It helps to retain moisture levels in the skin. Hyaluronate injections are used to deemphasize signs of getting older such as wrinkles. The acid injected into the skin helps it to retain moisture which prevents wrinkles. It is also a good moisturizer and functions from the inside out. As you get older, there are changes that occur in your skin which enhance the probability of wrinkling. Production of hyaluronic acid decreases and there is re-compartmentalization of the skin. The outside layer of skin, consequently, gets a reducing supply of the acid causing it to thin out and age. Hyaluronate injections help to increase the amount of acid in the skin.

Hyaluronic acid has been used for many years to treat certain medical ailments. Hyaluronan treatments, for example, have existed for over 20 years. They involve a direct injection of the acid into the synovial fluid of knees to treat osteoarthritis.

The acid is also preferred in cosmetic procedures. It noticeably decreases depressions from scars, injuries or wrinkles enhancing the surface of the skin. The molecular size of the acid is very big when compared to amino acids. This makes it tricky for the acid to be used as a nutritional supplement. A method of decreasing the molecular mass without altering its chemical structure has been developed in Japan. This makes it possible for you to take the acid as an oral supplement.

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